Merupa Kabur A Solo Exhibition by Tamara M. Alamsyah | 10 January – 9 February 2025 | Galeri Ruang Dini ▪ Jl. Anggrek No. 46, Bandung

Alberto Marín

Alberto Marín (b. 1981, Chile) has a Master’s inArt and Literature and his specialities are paintingand photography. He has exhibited in variousgalleries and museums in Chile, which has earnedhim recognition and awards of great prestige andnational relevance. Currently, together with hisartistic production, he is in charge of the Art Historychair at the Catholic University of Talca, Chile.

He has several distinctions including 2014 YearArtist, Ilustre Municipalidad de Curicó; 2009 &2008 FONDART Creation construction site; 2006Second place of National Painting Contest “BenitoRebolledo”; 2004 Bank of Chile Award. paintingspecialty.“XXVI Concurso Nacional de Arte yPoesía Joven”; and 2002 First Annual Art Place.Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso.

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