Geometria Horizontis, an solo exhibition by Sumastania Widyandani | 3 August – 1 September 2024 | Galeri Ruang Dini ▪ Jl. Anggrek No. 46, Bandung

Danysswara Gobi

Danysswara a.k.a. Gobi (b. 1996, Jakarta) completedhis Photography studies at the Indonesia Instituteof the Arts Yogyakarta. He is currently involvedin SOKONG!, a collective based in Yogyakartaproducing zines and photobooks.

Gobi is one of the participants of the PannaMentorship 2017, and Training of Trainers (ToT)2020 part of the Permata PhotoJournalist Grantwhich is a training program organized by the PannaFoto Institute. In 2019 he learned about the analogphotographic processes at the Gold Street Studios,Victoria, Australia.

In late 2021 he created his first solo exhibition“Selamat Tinggal Privasi” at Ruang MES 56. Nowhe works and plays in Yogyakarta as an educatorand program coordinator of Afdruk 56 which is adarkroom studio in Ruang MES 56.

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