Merupa Kabur A Solo Exhibition by Tamara M. Alamsyah | 10 January – 9 February 2025 | Galeri Ruang Dini ▪ Jl. Anggrek No. 46, Bandung


(b. 1977)

Maryanto was born in Jakarta in 1977. During 1997-2005, Maryanto received his art education at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Indonesian Art Institute, Yogyakarta. Then Maryanto underwent several residencies, namely: “Escuela de Orient” at Casa Asia Barcelona, Spain (2004); Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in the Netherlands (2012-2013); and in Lagos, Nigeria (2015). Maryanto's work was first exhibited in a joint exhibition in 2002, in the "Yogyakarta-Liechtenstein Journey" at the Yogyakarta Cultural Park and "Serangan Fajar" at the Vredeburg Fort Museum, Yogyakarta.

In 2003, Maryanto held his first solo exhibition entitled “Minggiran” at Quatro Gato Cafe, Alicante, Spain. Maryanto's subsequent solo exhibitions include: “A Graphic Art Exhibition” at Wisma Ary's, Yogyakarta (2005); “Rawalelatu” at Kedai Kebun Forum, Yogyakarta (2008); Once Upon A Time in Rawalelatu” at the Semarang Gallery (2011); and “Contemporary Indonesia” in Art Affairs, The Netherlands (2013).

In his solo exhibition entitled “Once Upon A Time in Rawalelatu”, Maryanto exhibited his works in the period 2008 – 2011. His works were then divided into five, namely sketches, landscapes, profiles, intrigues, and archives. Grace Samboh as curator assessed that the various works presented by Maryanto were a single, interconnected story. Among the works on display are four sketches using the Intaglio and Etching techniques, ten paintings on burnt photo paper, and various works on canvas. The method used by Maryanto in his work on canvas begins with blackening the entire canvas, so that the canvas will look like burnt photo paper. Then Maryanto will scrape the canvas line by line until he gets the desired result. Grace considered Maryanto to tell his past through the fable described in "Rawalelatu". The animals used in the fable are a symbol of his criticism of the conditions in which he lived when he was still in the area around the urban area of Jakarta.

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22 November 2020

Inlfux: Inauguration

Group Exhibition