Merupa Kabur A Solo Exhibition by Tamara M. Alamsyah | 10 January – 9 February 2025 | Galeri Ruang Dini ▪ Jl. Anggrek No. 46, Bandung

Nesar Eesar

At the encouragement of his brother, Nesar continuedto study calligraphy and miniature painting in the city ofKabul. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Art from theIndonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta (2017).He's currently studying for his master's degree in Fine Artat Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

Nesar Ahmad Eesar's (b. 1990, Zabul, Afghanistan) artworkare based on the experiences of Afghan refugees due tothe prolonged conflict in their country. The experience ofbeing a refugee in Pakistan for two years during the civilwar between 1996 and 2001 brought the artist's personalexperience to the lives of friends, and relatives, who thenbecame refugees at the Immigration Detention Housein Jakarta, Indonesia. For Nesar, the dreams and realitythey get are not the same, they even constantly face newproblems that arise.

As an artist born in a conflict area like Afghanistan, Nesarsaid that becoming a refugee is the best way for Afghans.The work outlined is a form of self-exploration of travel andtime during refugees. The refugee journey is not an easything, and many countries deny their existence. They do notget the right to work, continue formal education, or havea decent life. They lost their identity and did not get theirhuman rights appropriately.

In The Eternal Waiting Series (2022), Nesar tries tovisualize a condition of eternal waiting, awaiting thatbrings you trauma, which was inspired by the life ofasylum seekers. For asylum seekers, there is no differencebetween yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The figures inhis works do not face the audience, as if they are notinterested in communicating with the audience and arebusy with themselves and their limited activity. There isalso a Dew/Jinn figure that appears in several works. Heassociated this figure with the party behind the scene ofeternal waiting. There are also several symbols of war andconflict that are still ongoing and have a big impact on thelives of asylum seekers. Neesar added: "there will alwaysbe war, hunger, famine, drought, crisis & there will alwaysbe refugees, but respect and care for refugees is a universalhuman value."

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