Merupa Kabur A Solo Exhibition by Tamara M. Alamsyah | 10 January – 9 February 2025 | Galeri Ruang Dini ▪ Jl. Anggrek No. 46, Bandung

Tara Kasenda

Tara Kasenda (b. 1990) obtained her Bachelor’sdegree at the Institute of Technology Bandung,Indonesia, specializing in painting (2013), and herMaster of Fine Arts degree in TransdisciplinaryNew Media from Paris College of Art (2019). Sheworks with oil painting, installation, prints, sculpture,and new media – each of them depicts the spiritof her time while still rooted in the convention ofpainting.

Through obscureness and soft pastel hues thattie her work together, she emphasizes the issue of identity, perception, and memory. The dream-like quality of her work simultaneously evokes the feeling of ambiguity, paradox, and comfort.

Research is the foundation of Tara’s work. Shecollects data, observes, and investigates the history,theories, and studies on color in correlation to hersubject. Her soft color palette offers thresholds ofbeauty and chaos, the defined and undefined, realityand dream, old and new - that drifts the spectatorinto a contemplative sphere.

Based in Paris, Tara exhibits her work regularlyin South East Asia and in Europe. She had threesolo exhibitions in Asia: ‘Taksa’ at Ark Galerie (2013, Jakarta), ‘Somatic Markers’ at Langgeng Art Foundation (2014, Jogjakarta), and ‘WheedledBeings’ at Art Taipei (2015, Taiwan). In 2021,‘Unshut Windows’ at Achetez de l’Art and ‘EternalEphemeral’ at Galerie Virginie Louvet marks her bigdebut in France. In 2019 she was recognized asForbes Indonesia’s 30 under 30.

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